Anglicare Christmas
Please start collecting Christmas gifts for children and teenagers to be taken to Anglicare early in December
All gifts can be left unwrapped at St Pauls Romsey or Christ Church Lancefield for collection.
Donations of wrapping paper would also be appreciated.
Anglicare general needs
Foods that are popular at the MISSION HOUSE
2 Minute noodles
1l long life milk
Packets of sweet or dry biscuits
Jars of honey, jam , vegemite & peanut butter
Dry spaghetti, spirals etc
Bottle of spaghetti sauce
Tomato paste or tomato sauce
Tinned corn kernels
Tinned 4 bean mix and other beans
Tinned vegetables of all kinds
Small boxes of weetbix or similar
Tuna, salmon and meat meals
Disposable nappies are always needed if you prefer to donate these along with toilet paper, tissues and personal toiletries